Learn Music Production Essentials

اخر تحديث نوفمبر 6, 2020
5.0 /5
0 التحق بالفعل

حول هذه الدورة

This course is aimed at beginner to intermediate music makes are artists that want to learn how to record, edit and mix their own songs
Music Makers and Artists with basic music production skills that want to improve them
Music Composers, Producers, Beatmakers, Songwriters and anyone making music

أهداف التعلم

At the end of this course, you’ll be able to find your way around your DAW
Know how to record your audio and MIDI tracks.
Plus, you'll know how to add and edit effects
Improve your mix and mastering of your songs.


  • Some basic music skills, such as understanding different instruments and what they sound like
  • A computer to run the music software (DAW)

الجمهور المستهدف

  • This course is aimed at beginner to intermediate music
  • Artists that want to learn how to record, edit and mix their own songs
  • Music Makers and Artists with basic music production skills that want to improve them
  • Music Composers, Producers, Beatmakers, Songwriters and anyone making music

منهاج دراسي

8h 42m

Introduction to Music Production

In this video the instructors introduce themselves and what they will be covering in this course

Audio Recording

Learn the EQ Effect



21 Courses
10 Reviews
24 Students
شاهد المزيد

Student Feedback

2 التقييمات

تصنيف (2)

Great summary for a beginner on recording, editing, adding FX, DAW templates, mixing and mastering. All of these titles are clearly endless oceans, but you should start from somewhere.

Great summary for a beginner on recording, editing, adding FX, DAW templates, mixing and mastering. All of these titles are clearly endless oceans, but you should start from somewhere.

المدة الزمنية 8.7 ساعات

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